Greetings! Hope all is well in the world with you. Helped out with a Marriage Conference this weekend. It was amazing-called the Love and Respect Conference. We had 52 people present, I think everyone learned something they could take home and apply, immediately.
The three things I want to apply are: 1. Be nice. 2. Be nice. and 3. Be nice. Simple, yet so true, we take it for granted that our spouse has to love us and overlook our ugliness, when we need to remember, we were really nice to each other before we got married, so BE NICE! ha-simple.
I know this is about My Joyful Art Studio-but we have to start somewhere...gotta be joyful in the priorities God has brought in our lives 1st before we can be joyful elsewhere. Right?
It's really important to me, that people know where I stand as a christian 1st, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and artist. My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the relationship I have with him is my utmost priority in my life. I figure if my life is right with him, everything else will fall into place. Am I perfect? hahahaha NO way. Do I have it all together, ---I wish. But one thing for sure, I know the one who does, and he keeps me singing with joy in my heart, regardless of the situations, circumstances going on around me.
Feeling God's presence this weekend was an amazing moment for me. He spoke to my heart as I was driving to the conference this weekend. He said to me, "I am for you." I thought Wow, God is for me...not against me...He is on my side, he is rooting me on, in my life...God is my cheer leader and biggest fan...He loves me unconditionally, and forgives me always. I am truly amazed at how crazy in love God is with me, and you. He is sooo...amazing. Well....better sign off for now.
Seeking the heart of God, planning - making schedules for kids, husband and ART!