ANYWAY- I wanted to share some good things right here. Last week or so, I shared my art room with you. Well, last weekend my hubby went off to see a desk we might want, I told him just bring it home, not knowing what it looked like. WELL, to my surprise, it was P E R F E C T for my art room...I was sooooo, blessed to get this desk, that I immediately started working on my once cluttered table...Did I say the desk was FREE? What a blessing it is to me...God has amazing ways to just say, be blessed wonderful one. (big SMILE here)-
I certainly feel blessed.
Well, thanks to a really neat artist, I have come up with ONE word for me to focus on all year...Thank you Junelle Jacobson from My word for the year has been GRACE. I did a little sketch one day depicting Grace...God's Grace over my home...representing my family, my cares and concerns. Grace is God's unmerited favor and kindness to the world, to me and's very personal. God is a one on one kind of God. He likes to hang out with us, doing the things we like doing, whether it's cooking for our family, matching socks, washing dishes, or dirty faces or creating art. God wants to be right there with us. Hanging out. He is always with us, anyway, so why not, acknowledge the fact that He is? I have come to realize as an adult, just how much God has always been with me. I got saved/born again when I was 8 years old at a Baptist Church in New Castle, grandparents help to get started. My walk has not been easy. But through all my hard times, I have to come to realize Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, loves me, died for me, rose again, so I can be with him someday in's my reality. I serve a risen Savior. Jesus Christ is my reality, every single day. Am I perfect---NO WAY, I fall, then get up...and He is always faithful to forgive me. * I John 1:9* I have so much to share-my TRUTH. JESUS. I just want to please Him in all I do, in all I create.
My prayer is that I would act in a gracious manner towards those that God put's in my life. That I would love them unconditionally, and think gracious-kind thoughts, and serve others with grace. Whew! And Serve those in my home with a good/gracious attitude. I can sometimes get on a pity-party. (o, whoa is me...hahaha) This isn't easy, being the only FEMALE in the home, but, my boys are good to help the momma...and Daddy Boone, does wash the dishes after dinner sometimes. (Which I am so thankful for.---and no, I don't have a dishwasher...hahah). Moving forward as always.
I am excited to share some new art that I will be posting on my etsy account soon. It's one-of-a-kind paper made by me.
And a 6" x 6" primitive painting I did the other night...
Joyfully His!