Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ray Boltz - The Anchor Holds w/lyrics

Thankful HEART

Hi, folks-Thanks for dropping by my blog today...writing this late tonight, since I haven't been blogging for awhile.  A lot has happened since I blogged last.  A dear friend of our's passed away.  It's been really difficult.  He left behind a beautiful wife, a daughter and a son.  Travis is the father of my boy's best friend Eli.  We don't understand why things happen the way they do sometime's.  Life is hard.  But like I say God is good.  We don't have to have all the answers on this side of heaven and even if we did, it probably wouldn't satisfy us anyway...we are human.  Sometimes knowing the answer is still not good enough-do you know what I mean?  Am I the only one who feels that way? {sigh}


I did this mixed media art in the summer and so I thought I would post it.  The title is : Thank  you Lord for all you've done..."  I am so thankful for my friends and family.

Friday, March 2, 2012 Southern Indiana towns of Pekin, Borden, Henryville, were hit by a tornado.  Lives were lost.  Henryville, was destroyed...the miracle was that more lives were not lost-the tornado was an F4, really big one!  So please be praying for these folks as so many have lost their homes, others their family members.  So, so sad.  Such devastation so close, I want to help somehow...prayer, giving, volunteering...maybe cooking some food and serving it to the folks there.  My heart goes out to them.  My niece and her husband live in Henryville, behind the gas station that was demolished.  Remarkably their apartment was spared, it had minimal damage, but everything around them was destroyed.  I am thankful that they are doing great.  (They have a baby girl on the way, YES, I am going to be a GREAT auntie...I told her I always knew I was a great aunt!)  On a serious note  though, so many lives were changed forever in this damaging storm.  So, please pray for these folks.

In times of tragedy and grief-it is hard to be thankful.  In our humanness, it's easier to be angry, ask questions, rationalize...I know God understands where I am at this very moment in my life.  I know God is with me.  I have prayed so hard these last few months for my friend and his family...and don't understand.  But I still pray, and I still look up, I still seek the face of God.  And that my friend is where I am at.  I still have a thankful heart even when things don't make sense to me.  I just keep trusting and look for ways to be positive.  I take baby steps forward.  These are things I ask myself...

So-how does one stay *POSITIVE* at a time like this?  I believe the key is having a thankful heart.  The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (NIV)  REALLY?  yep, that's what it says.  It didn't say when "ya feel like it," or "only in the good times," or "when everything is going hunky dorey."  We are to give God thanks is every circumstance.  In the messiest of life, we are to still give thanks.  I know there is a reason for giving thanks, I believe it shows our trust in God-through the good, the bad and the ugly.  We trust in God anyway.  We hold on to our faith and belief in him, even when life makes no sense, and our insides are wanting to scream out, "Why God, Why?"  I am so THANKFUL God loves me, in spite of myself, even when I've been mad at  him, even when I question him.  He is still faithful and understands my humanness.  I am thankful God has never given up on me.  Although things around me do not make sense, I choose to trust in God anyway.  I pray you will do the same.  I hope you will count your blessings, be thankful for a new day, every day we are given, that it will be brighter for you than the day before.

Seeking to glorify God in all I do.  Be encouraged, we are all walking through something, some harder than others, remember to love people anyway.  Love-love, feel the love!


P.S. I'd love to hear from you.  

More to come....

Ray Boltz - The Anchor Holds w/lyrics