Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Art of Wild Abandonment...Blog HOP 2012

Blog Hop-2012

Greetings Ladies-Hope you will enjoy my journey in the workshop THE ART OF WILD ABANDONMENT...

I am so excited to a part of my very first BLOG HOP.  I am sitting here writing during a thunderstorm in Southern Indiana.  We have a metal roof and the rain is just pounding down on us right now.  I do believe if this carries on, we will not be getting much sleep tonight! 

The Home Schooled Radishes
I must say I have LOVED this class with Junelle Jacobsen and Christy Tomlinson So MUCH.  It has opened my mind to sketch the darndest things...Radishes...REALEE...I laughed my booty off when I found out, we were going to be sketching radishes!  I would take my sketch book, pencils and my water color crayons with me everywhere I would go, just in case I had a down moment that I could sneak a sketch.  Oh yes, then, I'd be all giddy inside as I pulled out my baggy of radishes.  My boys think I've lost my mind somewhere, as they would catch meLAUGHING for no apparent reason!  I had no idea, that sketching radishes would become such a wonderful, rewarding, engaging...way of gathering my thoughts or ideas, and it started in the garden with a RADISH!!!  This makes my heart H A P P I am swinging from the chandelier singing...hahaha, just kidding about the swinging from the chandalier...but you get the idea.