Sunday, June 8, 2014

"100 Days of Change"

May 17th I started a "100 Days of Change"...change as in drinking more water, making good choices in what I eat and how I spend my time.  I have found change does not come easy.  They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so that means by the end of my 100 days, I should have many new healthy habits.  One of my new habits is drinking more water.  Crisp, clean, water, with sliced lemon...totally refreshing and totally good for you.  Lemons have great benefits like,vitamin C, it helps the body fight off infections and is low in calories too.
Something else I am doing for me is consciously setting aside time to be creative in My Joyful Art Studio.  I sneak away from all the other "stuff" like my "To Do List",  and sit down with my paper and pen, my bible, a journaling book, my media of choice, which  lately has been, watercolors and writing pen's and pencils  This is a time for me to "be still'" write, think on paper, and dream, and pray.  

   I have been wanting to create "How To" video's for awhile now.  One night this past week, I got an unction to create a video, so I Meagan, rigged it the best way I that would be a sight to post...haha.  But I won't for now.  But, yes the video turned out okay.  I will show it to you here: 

I really enjoyed creating a journal page "off the cuff" so to speak.  I didn't really plan on anything elaborate, it just happened.  I know this is the first of many video's to come.  So keep checking back to see what will be next.   

Something else I love to do, and never thought I was very good at, was writing.  I love to write.  I've never been one, (so I thought) who had many words to share, and if I did, didn't know if anyone would want to read them.  So out of boredom, maybe, I don't know how a wife, mom, artist, homeschooler, christian, busy momma could be bored, but I was, so I decided to create a BLOG.  I had ideas to share, words to speak and write, and my faith in Jesus Christ to share.   Yippee!  I love it.  I love to be able to go share with the world all that I am learning on my journey in life.  There is so much to learn, the world to see, things to create and people who need to know that there really is a God who cares about us.  There is a world out there that needs to know God's Not Dead, and that people like you and me, need a Savior, and can live and breath in this world, knowing God is with us and wants a relationship with you and me.  I want to encourage people all over who love the Lord, and those who are seeking Him to be encouraged through my blogging site.  Practicing the Presence of God, has changed my life.  I recognize that He is with me everyday, whether it's me doing the dishes, and housework or teaching my boys, or creating in my studio, God is with me.  I talk out loud to Him, saying things like,
"Lord I know you are with me..."
and thanking Him for my life and family...and sometimes, I say that out loud, and just feel Him near.  My relationship with the Lord, is most important in my life.  That is why I saved the BEST part for last.  

Hope you enjoyed this blog, be looking for new video's and new creative ideas, and journaling techniques.  I want God to be glorified in all that I do.  I am on a journey with Him, won't you join me in Practicing His Presence?

Joyfully His-

Meagan Boone

Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy June Everybody...

Hello again.  June is a month of business with family and friends gathering for fun and fellowship... It's a month to relax and regroup.  I am actually re-grouping.  I want to do something a little different on my blog and that's encourage you towards life changes that will truly help you to become the best YOU, you - can possibly be.  

Since May 17th, I started a 100 day of change for me.   I have decided to drink more water, exercise, eat healthier, read the my Bible and memorize scripture, plus get some "Einstein Time" in the studio.

It's really about taking care of Body, Soul and Spirit.  God made us into 3 parts.  Therefore each part needs a different activity to help it function in the way God intended.  Our body needs  proper nutrition, rest and healthy choices of food  to maintain our energy throughtout the day.  We need creative time too.  Whether it's creating through art, gardening, decorating, or your choice of creativity, you just feel better doing something you enjoy.  

Exercising:  I do have a confession to make.  I hate to exercise.  How about you?  I do love to dance and was on a the drill team in school.  With that said, the only exercise I have found  to enjoy with my personality is Zumba.  It's fun and fast and has a lot of upbeat Latino style music and even some of the instructors throw in upbeat christian music.  Zumba is pretty popular these days and can be easily found in your area or local YMCA.

There you go...some new changes going on around here...Don't forget to check back in and look for something new.  Change is good, especially when it means we are going in the right direction.

Have a Joy filled June!
