Sunday, May 1, 2016

                      Happy May 1st Everyone


                Bible Verse Doodle Challenge!

The good ole poem April Showers Bring May Flowers, has shown itself to be true again in the beautiful landscapes of Southern Indiana.  We welcome May 1, as a day of celebrating Spring, the flowers popping up out of the ground, the grass turning a brilliant green, and the trees leafing.  It's a beautiful sight to behold.  It's a New Day.  I am so thankful for new days.  Aren't you?  Everyday I wake up it's a blessing.  New opportunities to live, love, laugh, and serve.  As a wife and mother, and teacher to my kids, the days can be so long, and mundane.  You know it's true, doing dishes, making meals, and laundry, which somehow never seems to get finished, it can get the best of me sometimes. I get worn down and simply exhausted.  Do you?

And then in the midst of all the drama, and chaos of life, I have this merciful Father God in my life. He encourages me through the scripture and quiet time as I sit with him in the morning. I read my Bible, pray and doodle. He is my peace, He is my breath, He gives me Joy, He gives me Hope, He is the Savior of my soul, He is my everything.

#Bible Verse Doodle Challenge

So with that said, I want to encourage you to pick a verse in the Bible that is speaking to you or you are trying to memorize and write it out, whether it's doodling with pens, markers, watercolors, or colored pencils.  Every day for the month of May, pick a verse and doodle.  This is called #bibleversedoodlechallenge. Connect with me too on instagram! (meaganboone)   Would love for you to post your work to me on my facebook page/ My Joyful Art Studio.  Make sure to like my page and share your work!  Either or I would love to hear from you.

My Word for the year is INTENTIONAL.  So I want to live, love, create and bring glory to God in all I do.  Be intentional, live on purpose, and mindful of others around me.  Be Blessed.  xo-Meagan