Saturday, May 23, 2015

Time Flies!

I can't believe I haven't posted a word or a picture since March.  March was here and gone, then April...completely was covered up with music lessons for my boys, and physical therapy for me, which I share a little about below.  I didn't get to post a picture we did in our home school co-op class of, a bird holding an umbrella.  It was really cute, and the kids just loved it.  :(   And now, May is just about to end. Has your life been so busy, that it has flown by too?  What do you need to say NO, to?  NO, is a powerful word.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we can only do so much.  I am learning, that I do have limitations, and so do you.
I need to remember to slow down and smell the flowers. I hope you will slow down too.  The little things in life are really the big things in life, aren't they?  I don't want to take a day, or a person for granted.
Just wanted to post a little face today.  I used watercolors and a fine sharpie marker for the details on this little girl.  Can't wait to sit down with my watercolors again.  I need to finish a cat picture I started for a study I will be teaching this summer in my studio, on Laurel Burch.

Can't wait to share what has been going on and why I disappeared from blog land.  For one thing, I had to start physical therapy for my hip, it's a long story, so I won't bore you with that.  I walk with a limp because of a minor, I mean itty bitty tear in my hip.  I am doing better, but had to slow down and remove some activities from my calendar.    I will be posting classes for the month of June, within a day or two from now. Good things.  Good memories  create.

Wanted to take a moment and Thank all the courageous men and women and their families who have served our country. They fought for freedom, and loved this country enough to lay down their life for it.  We remember you and honor you this Memorial Day Weekend and say "thank you" for serving our  great country.  May God Bless each and everyone of you, and may God Bless America.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Welcome March 2015!

Today we find ourselves snowed in a bit, and enjoying the comforts of home. Where are you at on this day? Are surfing the internet for new blogs, and pinterest pins? That's what I do on day's like this. We have it pretty laid back today. The boys had fun running around the house in shorts and no shirts or shoes this morning...10 inches or more of snow...that's my boys. They love to have fun and go on adventures.
I have been doodling on index cards recently, and thought they turned out cute. This one was done with a Gelly Roll pen. My husband and I are doing a study right now and having to write down our verses to memorize. Sometimes I can get carried away with it. :D
My art table is always a mess! How about yours? What are your favorite tips on keeping organized. Well honestly, I am just not organized in there at all. I know where everything is, but it drives me nuts that I can be so disorganized. I guess it's what I call an organized mess. (insert a giggle here) :D Anywho, I have been journaling here and there and even made my own stencils out of heavy watercolor paper. I have on my site some supplies that I love! Hope you check it out. Going to leave you with a picture that I painted for a fund raiser. May you be blessed and know that God loves you greatly. Will be posting a video soon, and just a reminder my Hobby Lobby Mixed Media Class is scheduled for March 14th, 2015 in Clarksville, same time.
Joyfully His~~~ xox Meagan

Monday, February 9, 2015

Busy - Happy - Blessed

Busy, happy and blessed, I am, all of those wrapped up in one.  My kids keep me on my toes.  I seem to roll with the punches, as life happens, as school and music lessons fold out into one busy, happy, blessed life. I love my boys. 

The Lord is always working on glad he never gives up, aren't you?  I find myself practicing His presence and wanting my kids to know how to practice the presence of God.  I am way not perfect, nor do I have it all together.  I am  on a journey, just like you, to discover what God  has for me, and my family.  What is his perfect will for us?   YES...I have lots of ideas, and dreams and things I want to accomplish....but I am waiting on His direction.  

As far as the studio::::had some gals over who wanted to paint "Fields of Poppies"....We had a good time painting and chatting....This month I will be teaching a Mixed Media Poppy Inspirational artwork at Hobby Lobby.  Can you join me?  It's Feb. 21, in Clarksville, IN at 10:30 - 1:00...Supply list is available on my facebook page.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Other fun things are always happening around here.  Many art designs going on in between school time and life in general.  Life is always happening.  Just have to learn to roll with the punches...the distractions...and the boys and their wrestling extravaganza's that go on around here.  There is never a dull moment.
Be sure to take time today and create something beautiful, even if it's comes from making a creative mess first!  Have a blessed and joyful day.  

Joyfully His~~~~~~Meagan