Saturday, May 23, 2015

Time Flies!

I can't believe I haven't posted a word or a picture since March.  March was here and gone, then April...completely was covered up with music lessons for my boys, and physical therapy for me, which I share a little about below.  I didn't get to post a picture we did in our home school co-op class of, a bird holding an umbrella.  It was really cute, and the kids just loved it.  :(   And now, May is just about to end. Has your life been so busy, that it has flown by too?  What do you need to say NO, to?  NO, is a powerful word.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we can only do so much.  I am learning, that I do have limitations, and so do you.
I need to remember to slow down and smell the flowers. I hope you will slow down too.  The little things in life are really the big things in life, aren't they?  I don't want to take a day, or a person for granted.
Just wanted to post a little face today.  I used watercolors and a fine sharpie marker for the details on this little girl.  Can't wait to sit down with my watercolors again.  I need to finish a cat picture I started for a study I will be teaching this summer in my studio, on Laurel Burch.

Can't wait to share what has been going on and why I disappeared from blog land.  For one thing, I had to start physical therapy for my hip, it's a long story, so I won't bore you with that.  I walk with a limp because of a minor, I mean itty bitty tear in my hip.  I am doing better, but had to slow down and remove some activities from my calendar.    I will be posting classes for the month of June, within a day or two from now. Good things.  Good memories  create.

Wanted to take a moment and Thank all the courageous men and women and their families who have served our country. They fought for freedom, and loved this country enough to lay down their life for it.  We remember you and honor you this Memorial Day Weekend and say "thank you" for serving our  great country.  May God Bless each and everyone of you, and may God Bless America.


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